know more Health Benefits of honey here. Honey is liquid gold, it is extracted from bees, and these bees suck the nectar from flowers. This sweet liquid is clear and is of golden color. Honey is been used in medicines for more than 5000 years. It is the best substitute for refined sugar and also a healthy option. Honey is not advisable for infants under 12 months. Pure honey often is super expensive and is darker in shade. The flavor of honey depends on the type of flowers from where the nectar was harvested. Honey is available in raw as well as pasteurized form. Raw honey usually contains some amount of wax, yeast, pollens and other impurities. Pasteurized honey is well processed to remove impurities.
Health Benefits of honey
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Properties of Honey
Honey has a high level of mono-saccharine, fructose, and glucose. Total sugar percentage in honey is about 70 to 80 % which makes is an amazing substitute for refined sugar. Additionally, honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which are very helpful to cure chronic pain, cuts, scars, wound, cold, cough etc.

Health benefits of Honey
1. Heals cuts, wounds, and burns
Honey is considered as a natural medicine to cure cuts, burns, and wounds. Honey is loaded with natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties and is best to heal wounds and cuts. It provides instant relief from skin issues and helps to destroy living bacteria on your skin. If you apply pure honey to cuts and wounds, you can notice a significant improvement in it. Additionally, it is the best solution to reduce scars and burn marks and promotes regrowth of skin.
2. Cures diarrhea
Honey helps to reduce the severity of diarrhea. It increases the secretion of potassium in the body and your body demands more water content. Take a spoon full of honey in empty stomach to reduce the effect. Not advisable for infants below 1 year.
3. Increases memory
Honey helps to increases memory and overall concentration. It is best to improve overall health and immunity. Moreover, it increases the overall metabolism and reduces mental stress. It has therapeutic properties that rapidly increase the blood circulation in the brain and controls memory loss.
4. Improves skin health
Honey is the best beauty product and can be used to get healthy, natural and young looking skin. It works as a natural moisturizer and is best for dry skin. Raw honey opens the closed pores, deeply moisturizes and removes dirt and acne from the skin. Additionally, you can tone your skin with natural honey. It helps to cure dry and chapped lips.
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5. Helpful in weight reduction
Honey helps to increases the overall body metabolism and burns the stubborn fat even during your sleep. Prepare a drink with 1/2 lemon, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 glass of lukewarm water. Take this first thing in the morning to boost metabolism. It is helpful to increase overall health
6. Prevents eczema
Eczema is a skin issue that leads to red, itchy and dry skin. It usually occurs in kids and teenagers, honey is very helpful to cure this skin condition. Prepare a toner with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 spoon cold pressed coconut oil. Apply it on skin regularly to get rid of the eczema issue. Additionally, honey helps to remove dirt, dust particles from the skin and makes it super soft and shiny.