
How You Can Successfully Overcome Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety or dentophobia is the extreme fear of dentists and dental treatment. This can be identified by experiencing feelings of anxiety, fear, panic attacks, and sleeplessness surrounding visits to the dentist. These feelings are real and can affect a person’s oral health if not carefully handled.

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental phobia, like any other phobia, can seriously affect anyone who suffers from it, which is more than you might think. Studies show that up to 36% of American adults have a fear of dentists, with up to 12% having dentophobia, the majority of them being women. People who have dentophobia experience extreme fear of all things related to dentistry, such as needles, anesthesia, dentist chairs, and blood.

Dental anxiety is a serious issue and should not be trivialized; it can make a person insecure about their teeth, leading to low self-esteem, depression, and, in some cases, aggressive behavior. Having severe dental anxiety can also prevent a person from receiving much-needed dental care with detrimental consequences. Poor dental health has been linked to other serious medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications.

How You Can Overcome It

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you are not alone, and you can get help. Here are different methods that have proved to be effective in several cases.

Choosing The Right Clinic

Many of those who are affected by dental anxiety have sometimes previously had very bad experiences with dentists that left them traumatized and caused them to develop a fear of the dentist. A big step on the road to recovery will be to use the right clinic. is a great example of a clinic that can help you overcome this fear, as all their staff are professionals who can make your dental visit a pleasant experience.

Explain your situation to your dentist so they know how they can help. You can request to visit the clinic even when you are not planning to see the dentist to make yourself familiar with the environment. When you find a clinic that practices the right way you will gradually realize that dentists truly mean no harm.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is a great way to deal with many phobias, and dentophobia is no different. During this practice, a mental health professional gradually exposes you to potential triggers through pictures and situations. All of this is done in a controlled environment so you can be comfortable. This method has proven successful in many cases and is one of the most effective methods of overcoming phobias. As you are carefully exposed to your fears, you will slowly learn that they are harmless and can get over them.


Having someone you trust while seeing the dentist can offer you much comfort. Remember, your fears are nothing to be ashamed of, and anyone who cares for you will be willing to support you during such times. Try asking your dentist to allow you to bring a close friend or family member with you to keep you company while you are examined.

Entertainment and Sedation

Dentists can recommend movies, shows, or music to help you distract yourself from the treatment. Listening to calming music can also help you relax while you receive your treatment.

Dentists can sedate you before beginning any procedures. Nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas and sedative medication whether taken orally or inserted through the veins, is used to make the body less cognitive and more relaxed allowing the dentist to carry out their duty.

Causes Of Dental Anxiety

These are some of the common causes of dental anxiety:

Underlying Mental Illness

People who are already affected by other mental illnesses like anxiety and panic disorders are more likely to develop dental anxiety.

Past Trauma

Previous traumatic experiences with dentists can make someone develop dental anxiety. However, the trauma might not necessarily be associated with dentists, as people with PTSD often have this fear.

Fear Of Blood

Hemophobia, the fear of blood, is sometimes linked to dental fear. The possibility of seeing blood during the procedure can prevent a person from visiting the dentist.

Dental anxiety is a real and serious issue. However, it can and must be defeated. Oral health is far too important to be neglected. With the proper assistance, you can successfully overcome your fears.

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